6 weeks. 42 days. 1008 hours. What can children do to fill all that time? It is unreasonable for not only the children but their parents to expect them to fill all this time. Most parents can’t take that amount of time off work so who will look after their children? 6 weeks is simply too long. Yes, you could argue the weather is nicer but spreading out the breaks allows opportunities for different activities when the weather is varied. Another thing to mention is the fact that in 6 weeks, how are you expected to remember all the content you learned last year - it is near impossible without setting massive amounts of homework. If the break was shorter, knowledge is much less likely to be forgotten. 

In addition, a huge factor in this question is the fact that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds have a very long time without access to things like free-school meals. That is going against children’s wellbeing and enjoying the good weather can hardly compare to ensuring children get the things they need for basic survival. Also, as mentioned earlier, parents who work full time don’t always have the resources for proper child care when their children are free from school. They also can’t always arrange for activities for their children to keep them busy during the long break. Shorter breaks mean that a school can still keep the building open for children who need somewhere to be during the holidays.

Having this large 6 week break is unattainable for children when they grow up. Most workplaces just don’t allow that kind of long break and it is setting unrealistic standards for children instead of preparing them for later life like school should. To finish, not all children love the holidays. Some of them hate the change in routine, don’t have enough to do during the holiday, feel unsafe outside the school because their home situation isn’t good, or just genuinely enjoy some aspect of school.Also, the fact that children “can’t wait to get out of school” is surely a problem that needs addressing. Children shouldn’t see it as a thing they need to escape from. Why can’t they relax and have a good time at school, by having enough regular breaks?

As the debate over the length of school breaks continues, it becomes evident that finding a balance is key. While a 6-week break offers a chance for relaxation and enjoyment of the weather, it also poses challenges for both children and parents. The issue of retaining academic knowledge and ensuring access to necessary resources for disadvantaged children during such a long break raises valid concerns about equity and well-being.

One solution could be to consider shorter, more frequent breaks throughout the year. This approach could help in preventing knowledge loss, providing consistent support for children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and easing the burden on working parents. By offering structured activities and access to resources during these shorter breaks, schools can ensure that all children have opportunities for growth and enrichment.

Moreover, fostering a positive school environment where children feel safe, engaged, and supported can help shift the perception of school as a place to escape from. Encouraging a healthy balance between study and relaxation, and providing ample breaks, can contribute to a more positive outlook towards learning and school life. In the end, the goal should be to create a system that meets the needs of all children, regardless of their background or circumstances. By revaluating the length and distribution of school breaks, schools can strive to create an environment that promotes learning, well-being, and inclusivity for every child.