Eastbourne Borough Council is faced with a crisis in housing provision for the most vulnerable people in our town according to Cllr Alan Shuttleworth, Cabinet member with responsibility for Housing.

The Government’s Housing & Planning Act requires all Councils to make a payment to the Secretary of State, which equates to £6 million per year for Eastbourne, by selling around 45 Council homes per year as they become vacant.

As Cllr Shuttleworth said,pictured: “We are already seeing an increase in homelessness, and double the number of families living in temporary accommodation, the highest level for 10 years.

This policy will mean even less homes available which will lead young families and vulnerable people struggling on low incomes, in crowded housing with high rents in the private sector, or living in temporary accommodation for long periods.”

The Government has imposed the housing sales requirement in order to raise money to fund its policy of selling off Housing Association properties under the Right to Buy legislation, which was a promise made in the run up to the General Election.

As Councillor John Ungar said, “There has only been a 1% take up on Housing Association Right to Buy so the Government do not need to impose this crippling £6 million levy which will deprive Eastbourne families in need of much needed affordable homes to rent.”

DISABLED ADAPTATIONS There are currently over 1700 households on the housing waiting list, of which 183 households are in the highest priority need, almost 120 requiring disabled adaptations.

Cllr Shuttleworth commented, “More and more people are living with complex needs but the Council will not have the resources to fund these adaptations, and repairs if the Government proceeds with its levy on the Housing Revenue Account.”

The Council is lobbying Eastbourne MP Caroline Ansell to ask her to press the Government to allow Councils like Eastbourne to retain their Housing stock in order to help more vulnerable families with affordable rented housing, and to reduce the financial levy on Councils to protect the money for disabled adaptations.